Wimodaughsian Library
May 1, 2024

John and Carole Bowles Astrology

The Wimodaughsian Free Library of Canisteo is pleased to announce the official opening of the Bowles Astrology Collection.  John and Carole Bowles have studied Astrology for many years and attended many conferences on the subject, and now they would like to make some of their library available to the Canisteo Community.

Carole Bowles grew up in Wayne County in New York State and John is a native Canistean.  Their interest in astrology helped lead them into a positive and enjoyable relationship, resulting in more than 35 years together.  John eventually decided to earn an Associate’s degree in Independent Studies at Jefferson Community College in Watertown NY.  Astrology became the topic in many class assignments.  John completed many writing assignments incorporating the Astrological perspective into different disciplines including Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, and History.  Researching the information for the assignments enhanced John’s respect for Astrology in our Western Judeo/Christian culture which further enriched his knowledge of Astrology in World History.

Over the years John and Carole have acquired an extensive Astrology Library, which they have now chosen to share with the Canisteo community.  Many of the authors are known world-wide, as well as being personal acquaintances.  Wimodaughsian has made the decision that these publications can be perused but not circulated outside the library.  A few recent periodicals are available and, although written for professional Astrologers, reveal information reflecting current world events.

Mr. Bowles wishes to point out that nothing is absolute about astrology.  Astrology only describes potentials.  People still have the free will to deal with events.  There is no physical or mystical power that exerts influence on astrological delineations.  “Synchronicity” is the most popular explanation of how and why Astrology works.  Hopefully as Covid declines, there will be opportunities for group discussions featuring questions and answers.

As a way of sharing their knowledge of astrology, John and Carole use an Astrology program to create individual charts, giving many insights to a person’s potential.  The most important single factor in developing a chart is the birth time.   Whether a person or incident, the time must be accurate.  The Bowles have graciously offered to take information and develop charts for interested parties for a nominal fee, and wish to donate half the fee to the Wimodaughsian Library.  Those who are interested can call the Wimodaughsian at 607-698-4445 and the library staff will send your information to the Bowles for charts and to answer questions you may have.





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